Page 7 - Graphic-AfraviGroup-2019
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Afravi, Bahram
                                                Graphic designer, Teacher, Researcher and Author

                                                • Date of birth: November 21, 1964
                                                • Place of birth: Abadan, Iran
                                                • University degree: BS in applied physics,  1993
                                                •  Beginning of a career in graphic design, 1987
                                                •  Beginning of a career in printing, 1996
                                                •  Beginning  of  journalist  activities  cooperating  with
                                                different magazines such as: Daneshmand (Scientist),
                                                Ettela’at  (Information), …, 1996
                                                • Substitute editor-in-chief,  Marz-ha-ye Bikaran-e Faza
                                                (Endless Borders of Space) magazine
                                                • Doing several researches about Farsi Fonts and con-
                                                tributing several articles on Fonts, graphic design, and
                                                printing  to  some  recognized  technical  magazines  in
                                                • Carrying out graphic designs for products of some
                                                leading  Iranian  companies,  i.e.    Daroogar  Hygienic
                                                Products, Sina software, etc.
                                                • Managing the first technical website dedicated to Ira-
                                                nian Graphic Designers:
                                                Published books by the author:
                                                1. Afravi, B. (2003), What Graphic Designers and Print
                                                Supervisors  Know,  first  published  2003,  12th  edition
                                                2014, Aban Book Publishers, Tehran, Iran
                                                Sales Figures: 50000 copies out of a total of 52000
                                                2. Afravi, B. (2004), Graphic Designers,
                                                Advertising Agencies, …, first published
                                                2004,  5th  edition  2013,  4circle  color
                                                Publishers, Tehran, Iran
                                                Sales  Figures  (to  the  present  time):
                                                23000 copies out of a total of 25000
                                                3. Afravi, B (2004), Application Software
                                                for Graphic  Designers, first published
                                                2004,  4th  edition  2013,  Sibal-e-Honar
                                                Publishers, Tehran, Iran                                                    AfraviGroup, Graphic Design & Training | Catalog
                                                Sales  Figures:  15000  copies  out  of  a
                                                total of 18000
                                                4. Afravi, B. (2006), A Print Supervisors’
                                                Handbook,  first  published  2006,  3rd
                                                edition 2008, Sibal-e-Honar Publishers,
                                                Tehran, Iran
                                                Sales  Figures:  12000  copies  out  of  a
                                                total of 15000
                                                5. Afravi, B. (2007), How to Make Clip-
                                                Arts, Sibal-e-Honar Publishers, Tehran, Iran
                                                Sales Figures: 2500 copies out of a total of 3000
                                                6.  Afravi, B. (2007), Cuts & Folds in Packaging, Sibal-e-
                                                Honar Publishers, Tehran, Iran
                                                Sales Figures: 3500 copies out of a total of 5000
                                                7. Afravi, B. (2009), Iranian Logotypes, first published
                                                2009, 2nd edition 2010, Sibal-e-Honar Publishers, Teh-
                                                ran, Iran
                                                Sales Figures: 8000 copies out of a total of 8000
                                                8. Afravi, B. (2009), Font Book, Sibal-e-Honar Publish-
                                                ers, Tehran, Iran
                                                Sales Figures: 1500 copies out of a total of 3000
                                                9. Afravi, B. (2009), I Am Print, Payda Publishers, Teh-
                                                ran, Iran (Not for sale, all 5000 copies ordered by Print
                                                Industry Development Association)
                                                Afravi,  B.  (2010),  Graphics  &  print  websites,  4circle
                                                color Publishers, Tehran, Iran, Sales Figures: 3000 cop-
                                                ies out of a total of 3000
                                                Afravi, B. (2011), Print price calculation, 4circle color
                                                Publishers,  Tehran,  Iran,  Sales  Figures:  5000  copies
                                                out of a total of 5000
                                                10. Afravi, B. (2012), Paper & Print, 4circle color Pub-
                                                lishers, Tehran, Iran, Sales Figures: 2500 copies out of
                                                a total of 3000
                                                11.  Afravi,  B.  (2013),  Iranian  Logotypes2,  first  pub-
                                                lished 2014, Aban Book Publishers, Tehran, Iran
                                                Sales Figures: 2000 copies out of a total of 2000
                                                12. Afravi, B. (2015), Color Book, Aban Book Publish-
                                                ers, Tehran, Iran, Sales Figures: 500 copies out of a
                                                total of 1000
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